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The figures

*Figures from the 2021 Annual Report.

These aren’t just percentages: there are people and actions behind each number that together help strengthen both our cause and the health systems in Africa, improving the lives of millions of people.


18,34% Operating expenses and management staff


14,62% Equipment and supplies supporting the project


13,66% Training for health personnel, technical personnel and community collaborators


11,09% Medicines and medical equipment for treatment, hygiene and disinfection


10,49% Governance and coordination


10,41% Construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures


6,52% Community awareness: workshops, materials, views, etc.


6,02% Research and production of evidence, monitoring and evaluation


4,39% Access to medical care


2,61% Diagnosis and confirmation of cases: support for laboratories, reagents, tests, diagnostic kits, etc.


1,85% Detection and monitoring

This is our theory of change

That individuals, families and communities affected by Neglected Tropical Skin Disease can live a life of dignity is what gives our theory of change a solid foundation. It is our commitment for the 2023-2026 strategic cycle.

Change starts with them

At Fundación Anesvad we have identified that in order to achieve this desired change, we have to work on these 6 conditions that we present to you.

Affected population
Individuals, families and communities affected by skin NTDs must be actively involved in actions taken to address these diseases, paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups.
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  • We promote their economic development.
  • We strengthen their capacities.
  • We focus on the affected population.
  • We increase understanding as regards the lived experience of the affected population.
Civil society
Civil society must be organised and coordinate actions with other public and private takeholders, giving prominence to the affected population.
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  • We attract public and private donors.
  • We bring civil society organizations on board.
  • We promote education actions by civil society in the Global North.
  • We strengthen their capacities.
Knowledge must be generated and shared among stakeholders in order to improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for people affected by skin NTDs and to better understand the mechanisms that generate health inequalities
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  • We generate our own knowledge based on our experiences.
  • We contribute to training and knowledge transfer.
  • We seek to influence the global health agenda.
  • We disseminate the knowledge we have acquired.
  • We promote the generation of knowledge among the stakeholders involved.



Individuals, families and communities affected by skin NTDs in Sub-Saharan Africa enjoy improved well-being, with equal conditions and opportunities for women and men, through the full exercise of the human right to health, and have achieved a sustainable level of social, economic and environmental development that allows them to live a life of dignity.

Governments must assume their obligations regarding actions in the area of skin NTDs and the universal enjoyment of the Human Right to Health and women’s rights, as well as striving to do away with the discrimination arising from these diseases.
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  • We reach agreements through political advocacy.
  • We strengthen the capacities of National Health Programmes.
  • We advocate for gender mainstreaming.
  • We ensure there is a greater results-based focus.
Private sector
The private sector needs to mobilise resources for actions aimed at tackling skin NTDs related to the fulfilment of the Human Right to Health.
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  • We attract private sector donors.
  • We promote social entrepreneurship actions.
  • We promote Socially Responsible Investments.
  • We promote engagement in the private sector in the Global North.
Institutions and organisations involved in tackling skin NTDs need to develop partnerships and coordinated actions in order to help improve the lives of people affected or potentially affected.
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  • We promote multi-stakeholder communications actions.
  • We promote coordinated action between stakeholders.
  • We coordinate the mobilisation of financial and non-financial resources.
  • We foster partnerships with the media.
01 By-laws

Anesvad is a private foundation incorporated under Spanish law. Therefore, from a legal standpoint, it is a legal entity created to fulfil a purpose of general interest to which a fund is assigned. Anesvad is regulated by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport’s Foundation Commission.

See By-laws

02 Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics and Conduct sets out the ethical behaviour that the Anesvad team must respect when interacting with people and communities in vulnerable situations, its own employees and volunteers, partner institutions and external collaborators, donors, public and private institutions, suppliers and society in general, both in Spain and in any of the countries and territories where Anesvad works.

The purpose of this channel is for any person or organisation to report and/or communicate any potential improper, unethical or inappropriate conduct by anyone who is employed by, represents or is involved in with our organisation in any way.

03 Code of Good Governance

This document is based on the Principles of Good Governance and Good Management Practices proposed by the Spanish Association of Foundations. Developed by our Board of Trustees, it is designed to regulate good governance and promote good management practices that help us operate with greater transparency, thus fostering better communication with society and its stakeholders.

04 Code of Ethics for Collaboration with the Private Sector

This code establishes standards of compliance for the business sector that foster collaboration with organisations that demonstrate that they are sustainable and socially responsible.

05 Conflict of Interest Policy

We apply a policy to manage conflicts of interest, the aim of which is to prevent the personal, professional and/or political interests of the members of the Board of Trustees, the Coordination team and any member of the Foundation from interfering with the regular performance of their work in the organisation and to ensure that there is no personal, professional or political benefit to the detriment of the organisation.

06 Legislation
07 Advanced Management

We continuously incorporate best practices, models and methodologies that help us to improve our management, our work and the way we communicate what we do.

We are a partner of the Euskalit – Basque Foundation for Excellence, promoted by the Basque Government to strengthen and improve the management of organisations in the Basque Country. In addition, several members of our team are evaluators of management systems based on the Advanced Management Model promoted by Euskalit through its Evaluation Club, and the EFQM European Excellence Model.

If you would like to help us improve our work, please send us your queries, suggestions and, of course, your complaints by calling 94 441 80 08, by filling in the form below, by sending us an email to or by post.

Your opinion and your concerns are very important to the Anesvad Foundation and will help us to reflect and improve.

09 Salary Tables

We have mechanisms in place for the good governance of our foundation, based on honesty and shared responsibility.

Document salary tables

10 Strategic Plan

Anesvad Foundation 2022 Annual Report

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Anesvad Report
Anesvad Report

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